Know Your Value

22. Know Your Value

Knowing your value is more common than you think. There comes a time in everyone’s life when you have self-reflection on whether something is worth your time or not.

Whether you are giving too much time and attention to a negative situation or person,


Whether you are a business owner still completing time-consuming intern duties as part of your regular routine


Whether you’re an employee stuck in a rut with your current job and no room to advance to your full potential

Whatever your situation is, it’s time to know your value so you can reach your full potential.


If you read through those examples, did you find the similarity in them?

Each example, although totally different, has one thing in common – it is eating up that person’s time.

Your time is the MOST valuable thing that you have. When you think of value, it’s easy to link that to a monetary value.

The worst thing you can do to yourself is to focus your value on money and not around your time.

Time well spent is always better than chasing dollar signs.

Of course, you do have to earn money for a living. But focusing on your time first and understanding the value of that before putting your focus on money will help you understand what’s really worth your time.


We’ve all been exposed to the first example.

Once you realize how valuable your time is, and that you’re too valuable to let negativity eat up your day and mind, then something beautiful starts to happen…

Negative situations and people don’t go away, unfortunately, but you get better at dealing with them. Because you don’t feed into it more than you need to.

You acknowledge the situation or person to the minimum extent that is necessary, then you let go and move on. Because your time is far too valuable to give a negative situation or person more than it needs.

I love the example of holding a glass of water, are you familiar?

If not, here’s how it goes…

Obviously holding a glass of water is no big deal, right?

It’s light and you don’t even register that you’re exerting any energy to holding the glass of water.

But, if you hold on to it for longer than you should…

Maybe an hour…

Or maybe a day…

Then that glass of water starts to get pretty heavy and begins to hurt your arm. It’s now an unnecessary burden.

When you have a negative situation or person come across your life, you’re going to have to deal with it –

Just like you have to drink water –

But you deal with it quickly and only put in the minimum required effort and time to take care of the issue.

Don’t hold onto the glass longer than you have to.

Know what is worth your time.


When you start practicing this in your personal life, then you can carry it to your professional life.

Let’s use the business owner example now.

There seems to always be at least one task that business owners just refuse to let go of.

And it’s usually a very time-consuming task.

Now if there are little tasks that you thoroughly enjoy doing as a business owner, you know, tasks that just fill your soul.

Then by all means, please continue doing these tasks.

Do what makes you happy.

But if you’re doing these time-consuming tasks, because you want to micromanage and control how it gets done…

Well, then it’s time to rethink if these tasks are worth your time or not.

Maybe you’ve been burned by an employee a time or two, and that’s why you do this. That’s understandable, although, we all have to let go of the trauma at some point –

And learn to trust again.

If you have employees, delegating these tasks to them will empower them and let you focus on tasks that are worth your time. If you don’t have employees, in this day and age, there’s a pretty good chance there is software or service available to streamline these tasks.

When you hold on to these tasks, your employees see that.

And they’re aware that you don’t fully trust them because actions speak louder than words. So, figure out how to best train your employees to complete the task, the way you want it done.

You can always perform quality control to make sure it’s up to your standards.

But the actual task – let it go.

You are the owner; your time is better spent growing yourself, your business, and your employees.

Plus your employees want to help you get there.

You’re a team, and it’s time to pass the ball to another player.

Because if you don’t, you’ll cause example three to happen.

Like I said, employees what to help you and your business grow, but they want to grow with you.

If there’s no room for advancement or employees don’t feel empowered in their work, then a rut starts to form… and that’s pretty dangerous for the employee and employer.

Work performance and care for the work decrease tremendously. Then that job becomes one that employees should no longer give time and energy to. Since they are not able to reach their full potential.

At that point, it’s time for the employee to reflect on whether this position is worth a second more of their time. And if their potential can be reached elsewhere.

If that’s the case, then figure out what is worth your time and chase after that.

When you see the value of your time, then the money will follow. And your time management skills will get better and better.

Knowing your value will also help you be a better decision-maker, and align yourself with ideas, people, and challenges to reach your full potential.

You can never get your time back, so figure out what is truly worth your time.

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