Why Should You Care About Money?

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Let’s face it, money DOES matter.

Money is something you are always going to be dealing with. Whether you are rich, middle class, or poor you will always be handling money. So, why would you not want to be good at it?

My husband LOVES food, and is always saying, “well, we are going to be eating for the rest of our life, so why not be good at making food?”

No, he’s not a chef!

But this saying also applies to your finances! You will be dealing with your finances for the REST of your life, so why not be good at it?

Money Betters Other Parts of Your Life

I was very surprised to see how much getting our finances in order flowed into bettering other parts of our lives. I believe you will begin realizing that as well!

I came from a family where finances always seemed to be a private and stressful topic.

Because of that, it was embedded in me that finances were stressful, and would always be a hard topic.

Now, I know that is SO not true.

When my husband first brought up us combining our finances, I remember my heart racing. I instantly got very defensive when we had our first finance talk. That was probably one of the hardest conversations we had. Sadly, it shouldn’t have been that way.

We did not give up though, we kept talking and making a game plan. He really wanted to start the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University (FPU), and I was pretty much against it.

I thought I knew enough from my career that I didn’t need to go to a class about finances. I mean how would that look? An accountant needing help with their finances?!

But, we did it, and I’m so glad that we did; because it started to improve other aspects of my life that I would’ve never guessed would improve!

Improves Marriage and Other Relationships

So, the number one improvement was my communication with my husband.

Actually, with more than just my husband.

After getting my head on straight and organizing my own finances. That helped me improve my communication with my clients, friends, and family.

I feel like my knowledge of how to speak about finances significantly increased. My heart no longer races when my clients ask me a financial question. I am so calm talking to family and friends when money joins our topic of discussion.

It is truly amazing how financial freedom gave me more confidence to communicate in a very calm and collective way.

This improvement in my communication has built my clients, family, and friends’ trust in me. They feel much trust in what I am saying because I am confident in my knowledge of finances now.

Looking back, I can only imagine how untrustworthy of a communicator I was prior to getting my finances in order.

I am naturally VERY shy, and anxious. Then you add in the lack of confidence in what I was advising, you know since, I haven’t lived it myself. I’m sure my clients only felt confident in what I was saying purely based on me working at a CPA firm.

Now I have SEVERAL casual conversations with people who aren’t even clients of mine, and they instantly develop trust in me and motivation to act on what I’m advising.

That is such a great feeling when people trust you and feel motivated by you because you TRULY just want to help them. And now you have the missing piece to build that trust – Confidence!

Financial Freedom

I no longer stress when it comes to finances or the discussion of finances!

This is huge for me because I am literally THE stress queen! I worry about anything and everything, but not finances anymore.

Getting my finances in order actually helped me destress with other parts of my life as well.

If I could go back, I would definitely take a stress test before working on our finances and now to see the major difference!

If I could give you anything to understand why I care so deeply about you getting your finances in order, it would be for you to feel the financial freedom that I feel every day.

Now, my husband and I are not rich. We are STABLE, and we are BUILDING WEALTH. We can financially handle nearly any emergencies that could come our way.

I remember stressing out if a random $100 emergency came up, now I don’t even blink an eye at a $1,000 emergency. Of course, I would rather not have the emergency happen. But it is so comforting when you can handle the emergency and not be financially set back.

That financial peace is the most comforting thing I have ever felt, and I genuinely want to share it with everyone.

Money Leads To Personal Development

I have gained so much personal development through our financial journey. Now that my husband and I tackled and mastered our finances, we feel like we can take on anything!

No, seriously, our mindsets have greatly improved because of this. We break everything down into baby steps so it’s not so overwhelming.

If any of you follow Dave Ramsey, you know what I’m referring to.

But of course, that’s not just a Dave Ramsey deal.

There are sayings everywhere, like “How do you eat an elephant – one bite at a time!” It’s very true.

And the most important of it all is starting that first step… or bite!

Trust me, you will not be perfect or master it the very first time, or even the second… or maybe even the third. But you will master it eventually, just don’t give up. It is 100% worth it.

I would love for everyone to have the same peace of mind financially that I have. So, if you are asking why you should care about your finances, this is why. Follow along to learn more!

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